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2010 피파 월드컵 팀 피파 순위 (한국 47위, 아시아 2위)

FIFA ranking of 2010 FIFA World Cup teams

Last Updated 26 May 2010
Next Release 14 Jul 2010

Ranking    Team
1    Brazil
2    Spain
3    Portugal
4    Netherlands
5    Italy
6    Germany
7    Argentina
8    England
9    France
13    Greece
14    USA
15    Serbia
16    Uruguay
17    Mexico
18    Chile
19    Cameroon
20    Australia
21    Nigeria
24    Switzerland
25    Slovenia
27    Côte d'Ivoire
30    Algeria
31    Paraguay
32    Ghana
34    Slovakia
36    Denmark
38    Honduras
45    Japan
47    Korea Republic
78    New Zealand
83    South Africa
105    Korea DPR

Reference: FIFA.com

  Which team will be the 2010 FIFA World Cup Champion?

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